INTERLIS 2.3; !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !! !! Minimal Geodata Model for Official Index of Addresses (Art. 26b GeoNV) !! INTERLIS Version 2.3 (SN 612031). !! !! Federal Office of Topography (swisstopo) !! Seftigenstrasse 264 !! CH-3084 Wabern !! !! Filename: OfficialIndexOfAddresses_V2_1.ili !! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !! Version | Who | Modification !!------------------------------------------------------------------------------ !! 2023-01-01 | swisstopo | Removed ADR_VALID !! 2021-03-15 | swisstopo | Added BDG_CATEGORY, COM_NAME; renamed ADR_ZIP>ZIP_ZIP6, ADR_RELIABLE>ADR_VALID, LocalisationName>STN; modified: ADR_MODIFIED as INTERLIS.XMLDate !!@ IDGeoIV = 197.1 !!@ technicalContact = !!@ furtherInformation = CONTRACTED MODEL OfficialIndexOfAddresses_V2_1 (en) AT "" VERSION "2023-01-01" = IMPORTS GeometryCHLV95_V1; TOPIC OfficialIndexOfAddresses = OID AS INTERLIS.ANYOID; STRUCTURE ZIP = ZIP_ZIP4: MANDATORY 1000 .. 9999; !! postal code, e.g. 8580 ZIP_ZIPA: MANDATORY 0 .. 99; !! additional number, e.g. 5 ZIP_NAME: MANDATORY TEXT*40; !! locality, e.g. Hagenwil b. Amriswil END ZIP; STRUCTURE STN = STN_TEXT: MANDATORY TEXT*60; !! e.g. Conrad-Ferdinand-Meyer-Strasse STN_SHORT: TEXT*24; !! e.g. CF Meyer Str STN_INDEX: TEXT*3; !! e.g. Mey STN_LANG: MANDATORY ( de, fr, it, rm: FINAL); END STN; CLASS Address = ADR_EGAID: MANDATORY 100000000 .. 900000000; STR_ESID: MANDATORY 0 .. 90000000; BDG_EGID: MANDATORY 1 .. 900000000; ADR_EDID: MANDATORY 0 .. 99; STN_NAME: BAG {1..*} OF STN; ADR_NUMBER: TEXT*12; !! house number, e.g. 12a BDG_NAME: TEXT*50; !! building name, e.g. Haus Steindach BDG_CATEGORY: MANDATORY ( uncategorized, temporary, residential, other_residential, partly_residential, non_residential, special: FINAL); ZIP_ZIP6: ZIP; COM_FOSNR: MANDATORY 1 .. 9999; COM_NAME: MANDATORY TEXT*40; ADR_STATUS: MANDATORY ( planned, real, outdated: FINAL); ADR_OFFICIAL: MANDATORY BOOLEAN; ADR_MODIFIED: MANDATORY INTERLIS.XMLDate; PNT_SHAPE: MANDATORY GeometryCHLV95_V1.Coord2; UNIQUE ADR_EGAID; UNIQUE STR_ESID, BDG_EGID, ADR_EDID; !! Every address must have either house number or building name MANDATORY CONSTRAINT DEFINED (ADR_NUMBER) OR DEFINED (BDG_NAME); END Address; END OfficialIndexOfAddresses; END OfficialIndexOfAddresses_V2_1.